Originally from Victoria, Canada, Mr. Sampson is a trademark attorney registered and licensed to practice in Australia with knowledge in the areas of trademark, design and copyright. Among others he has been involved with prosecution, enforcement, transactions, customs and domain name matters related to a broad range of major brands and designs for consumer and luxury goods, cosmetics and technology.
Mr. Sampson is also skilled in cross-cultural communication and related issues, and has experience with client relations, and has spent time facilitating meetings between Korean counsel and foreign clients.
Before he joined MUHANN, Mr. Sampson spent several years at Kim & Chang, where he was exposed to a wide variety of trademark and design prosecution and enforcement matters, complex filing programs, global brand clearance projects, due diligence work, and brand protection issues. Before that, Mr. Sampson worked for Y.S. Chang & Associates, where his role was primarily client oriented. Due to his experiences and background, he brings a unique perspective and insight to the firm.
Apart from his general work, Mr. Sampson has spent time researching the protection of traditional knowledge, including genetic resources, at the national and international level.
University of Technology, Sydney – MIP (Intellectual Property Law)
University of New England – MA Applied Linguistics
University of Victoria – BA English / History
MUHANN Patent & Law Firm
Kim & Chang
Y.S. Chang & Associates
The Intellectual Property Society of Australia & New Zealand (IPSANZ)